
L'Eurasier : Le standard

les couleurs de l'eurasier

(FCI n°291 du 27/02/1973)

Size and weight :

Male: 52 to 60cm and 25 to 30kg
. Female: 48 to 56cm and 20 to 26kg.

General appearance :

Medium sized dog, non vixen muzzle. Long coat that leaves still see the proportions of the body.
Longer than framing square with moderately heavy bone. Different colors.

Head :

Strong resemblance to the wolf type atavism: wedge-shaped, with erect ears, medium, not too far apart
. The cranial portion is flat with a really reasonable furrow, the bridge of the nose is straight and extends with a slight gradient to the frontal skull.
The eye is dark and not too deep, slightly almond shaped.
Narrows the mouth to the nose back to the mid-sized truffle.
Lips are flat, not hanging and pigmented black and the mucous membranes of the nose and eyelids.
Strong jaw shaped scissors.

Neck :

The head, placed high, is attached to the shoulders in a harmonious way with a muscular neck, a neck wrinkle free.

Body :

The body, longer than square, is formed by a straight and strong back which is extended by a long rump and wide.
The pool is only obliquely relative to the rump.
The rib cage is arched, deep, consistent with the medium-bust front wide (round ribs).
The lower torso expands enough, although raised in the line of the belly.
The highest point of the spine is the withers.


Pending until hock at rest, and good humor, the tail door placed on the back or side


Shoulders well muscled with oblique arms. Forearm straight and stiff feet up means, tense and down to large paws.
Soles of feet thick and tight with arched and tight toes.


Well muscled, slanting thighs to hock lower thigh forming with an average angle. Jarret not too deeply implanted.
Plants closed with fingers arched feet, tight and thick.

fur and color :

The whole body is covered with small hairs and tight shoulder-length hair.
Mouth, jaws and lower parts of the "current" in short.
Hair Tail, breeches and forelegs baleen shag.
Peeling the groove slightly longer than the body, no manes.
Sand or red to pale yellow, gray-black with lighter markings defined (gray-brown around the eyes, on the lower parts of the legs of the pants and tail).

Defects :

- Topics too timid, fearful, overly cautious, or aggressive
- Ears semi-erect or drooping
- Distichiasis (eyelashes filed in double row)
- Entropion, ectropion
- Eyes too deep, too small
- Lack of one or more premolars 3 or 4, or 1 or 2 molar
- Abnormalities of the articulated
- Tail broken
- Strong depigmentation
- Characteristics linked to sex insufficiently pronounced.
NB: Males should have two normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

les couleurs de l'eurasier